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lunes, 15 de marzo de 2010

NEREID Project Edition 2010

NEREID (Network of Engineering univeRsities Educating in Intercultural Design) 2010 is the third edition of this project. NEREID allows students from several universities to develop a project in the context of an international experience:
Edition 2008 presented one project: GeoPuebla. This project allows tour creation supported by google maps. The prototype can be seen at http://liris-web.insa-lyon.fr/geopuebla/geopuebla.html
Edition 2009 presented several projects, between them, three projects had the participation of students from Tecnológico de Monterrey campus Puebla:
a) Picture Based Itineraries: this system is a portable navigational system for pedestrians based on pictures. A video to show the prototype can be seen at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-vFSPAyltc
b) GeoWiki: this is an application which is based on a MediaWiki installation and uses the geographical data from the Instituto de Catastro del Estado de Puebla, Mexico to allow users to map articles to specific geographical locations. These points of interest can be sorted in different categories and accessed through a navigation map. A prototype demo can be seen at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m__pC_FV3nc
c) TRICIA: Internationalization and localization, knowledge management. TRICIA is an open source knowledge management and collaboration tool which includes several functionalities: Wiki, Personal Team blogging, File and directory sharing, Social networking. TRICIA Project site can be visted at http://www.infoasset.de/wikis/infoasset/home

Concurso de Programación de ACM, edición 2010

Este año el Tecnológico de Monterrey campus Puebla ha iniciado una serie de actividades para impulsar los concursos programación de ACM. El pasado viernes 26 de febrero se llevó en nuestro campus el primer concurso local. Tuvimos la participación de 12 equipos que generaron gran entusiasmo. A partir de entonces se han llevado a cabo talleres de preparación todos los viernes de 11am a 2pm. Nuestro campus se prepara para ser sede del regional a finales de este año 2010. En este espacio estaremos compartiendo nuestras experiencias.