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martes, 23 de junio de 2009

International Project NEREID

NEREID (Network of Engineering univeRsities Educating in Intercultural Design) is project where students from two or more universities develop a software by using project management methodologies and technologies. They need to work together and to concrete agreements related to the use of methodologies, communication technologies, language, calendar, timetables, software tools, and other tecnologies and variables. For the 2009 project, five universities are involved in the network: Technical University of Munich, Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria (Valparaiso, Chile), University of Applied Sciences Esslingen (Germany) Institut National des Sciences Appliquée de Lyon (France) and Tecnológico de Monterrey campus Puebla (Mexico). The goal of this conversation (this blog) is to support the organization of teams (from two or more universities) and projects. Professors and students are invited to suggest other points to be defined before the beginning of the project and to follow its development.

7 comentarios:

José dijo...

Dear David, and collegues,

good idea to provide this space to share our ideas and proposals.
I'll invite my students to participate.
That's it, for the moment...
Best regards!

Unknown dijo...

After the skype meeting (15.07.2009) we need to provide a flexible starting time and a flexible ending time for the projects. I propose that the starting time can be end of September, 28th September and the ending time can be 16th December (one week before Christmas). Projects can start and can finish in this period and the average time for the development of each project can be between 6 or 8 weeks.

Unknown dijo...

The web Site for the course at TUM (Tecnical University of Munich) is: http://wwwmatthes.in.tum.de/wikis/sebis/Master-seminar-Software-engineering-in-international-teams. I propose the site as a general reference for all the projects. May be the site can also support the organization of the teams.

Unknown dijo...

One of the projects was developed by Mallinali, Monse and Jorge from TEC de Monterrey campus Puebla and Guillaume from INSA de Lyon, France. The application allows tour creation supported by google maps. The prototype can be seen at http://liris-web.insa-lyon.fr/geopuebla/geopuebla.html

Adrian dijo...

It would have been great for my generation to have the opportunity to participate in a project like this. Let's hope the new students and their generations take the best out of it.

Unknown dijo...

GeoPuebla project allows tour creation supported by the google maps API: http://code.google.com/intl/es-ES/apis/maps/. In particular the project tested the Geo API Mashups in order to accelerate the download maps and also the web application composition by using several applications (the wheather application for instance). If you have time in 55 minutes you can see the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zI8at1EmJjA&feature=player_embedded where google experts present tips for Geo API Mashups.

Unknown dijo...

Another project is the "The Picture Based Itineraries". This system is a portable navigational system for pedestrians based on pictures. It’s designed to guide a user going from a point A to a point B supported by decorated pictures showing the next direction. The pictures are pictures of user's environment. The decorations are mostly arrows and possibly the roads' name. The point is to show the right picture with the right decoration according to the current position (GPS coordinates) and the next direction. A short video demo can be see at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-vFSPAyltc